Copperhead Strike Roller Coaster Announced as 2019 Addition for Carowinds.
Carowinds announced the long-rumored Copperhead Strike today, a 5-inversion double launch coaster. A POV video of the ride can be seen below courtesy of Carowinds."It’s twice the bite on Copperhead Strike! Here’s an up-close first look at all of the twists, turns and record-breaking statistics delivered by the Carolina’s first double-launch coaster." -Carowinds The coaster-map below shows the major parts of the ride!

Riders board Copperhead Strike in three 16 passenger trains. Immediately out of the station, this coaster slowly twists through a jojo roll before entering the launch station – the home of Granny Byrd’s “jam”-making operation.
2. First Launch
After pausing and discovering that there might be more going on at Granny’s farm than meets the eye, the ride launches from 0 to 42 MPH in just 2.5 seconds!

With a burst of speed, riders soar through the ride’s first 360-degree loop.
4. Corkscrew
Next, Copperhead Strike takes riders through a series of fast, tight, close-to-the-ground maneuvers, including a corkscrew.
5. Second Launch
At this point in the ride, the speed of the train is moving at 35 MPH, but this exhilarating coaster isn’t done yet! Without slowing down, Copperhead Strike enters its second launch, accelerating riders to 50 MPH in just two seconds. And this is no straight launch, you'll be traveling over an airhill during the launch like no other in the world.

6. Inverted Top Hat
With a fresh burst of speed and adrenaline, riders reach for the sky once more while moving through a large inverted top hat.

This coaster is full throttle all the way, completing a second 360-degree vertical loop before riders head back to the station.
Copperhead Strike does not let up during its 2 minute and 24 second ride along 3,255 feet of steel. Riders will return to the station breathless, wondering which way is up and ready for another ride across Granny Byrd's farm! -Facts and Photos from
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